Saturday, March 21, 2009

On a Darkfall Night

The rain.....

It comes, and comes and comes, sometimes by wind, others just by gravity, but it seems never ending. I do not notice really, it makes moving though just about anywhere, easier. Washing away my scent, covering my light steps, the relentless grey, only assisting my passage.

I had lingered in the darkness, for more than half a season, so when I slithered out of my slumber, the life of Aagos again, was pulsing through my veins. I craved contact, and happened upon a foolish, defenseless girl, sitting on the beach, in the storm....alone. Oddly though, I felt no need to toy with, or even challenge this girl. No, instead I simply talked to her, something about her just seeming kindred. Perhaps I sensed the solitude in her, the isolation. It was something I could relate to, connect with, and it was pleasant to sit, and talk without judgement.

I spotted a Kin, wander close to where we are, but then he moved beyond my attention, but I did not mind if he were there either. I was not a threat this night, I can not explain why. We moved down the beach after a time, looking for a place dry, perhaps warmer and more private. We were nearly there, when slithering sense of...danger crawled up my spine, and my eyes shot sharply back the way we came. A wolf was there, again....time to step up the pace.

Slipping though the old door, I pushed it firmly shut behind me, and rested against its old wood, my companion concerned for what might be on our tails. A howl outside the door reinforced that feeling, but then silence met our ears, and we rested easy for a while. It was during that continued conversation, that the sensation of danger, of warning, crept over me again. "we have to!", I grab the girls wrist, if they wanted her, I could not very well just leave her there. But to no avail, for the wolves...yes there were suddenly two of them, hunted us at a dead run to the bridge into Milford. We were just over it, when they overtook us, and I knew I had to face them down.

Their attack came swiftly, the pair of them both leaping at me, out for blood. I shoved my companion out of the range of their snapping jaws, and unleashed my fury upon them, one at a time. Oh but how they both did the same to me. One I put down fairly quickly, a nicely placed underbelly shot, dropped him like a gunny sack. But the other, stronger and far more determined to tear my throat out, was far closer to my match. I prayed, and tried to break free of the fight more than once, as more arrived a cloaked women bent on assisting to the downed dog, and seemingly no offer of aid to me.

Finally, I managed to get a powerful hit off to this snapping mass of fur and fangs. And it was enough, because as suddenly as it had begun, the fight was over, and they all turned tail, and withdrew. They both took their licks, but I was bearing my own trophies of the battle.

I was only too willing to withdraw and tend to myself, as my companion had fled during the fight. It was just as well, it was a stupid mistake to let my guard down like that. I had wanted....that connection again. But look what it got me. I hope I did not cause her too much grief with my error. It was not my intent, and I will leave her in peace now. It was nice to be her friend, if only for a few hours.

I miss my Treasure....

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